Flood Clothing: Women's Hats

Comic book Bouquet

  • Comic book Bouquet

Flood Clothing: Women's Hats

Comic book Bouquet

Our clothing is unique and custom-made, so orders may take up to 4 weeks to fulfill.


This is a one of a kind hat made using 100% upcycled sweaters t-shirts. It is made in the Portals style and features the Debut brim with the Five Petal Flower on the right side. The Portals hat is pieced together with french seams on the outside of the hat. This gives this hat a very subtle 3D element on the main body. The extra fabric in the back of this style gives this hat a classic beanie fit, but with a brim! The entire hat features black and white printed sweaters for the main body and brim top. The band and the brim underside are in white t-shirt. Classic and powerful.