Flood Clothing: Women's Hats

Merlot Whisp

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  • Merlot Whisp

Flood Clothing: Women's Hats

Merlot Whisp

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Our clothing is unique and custom-made, so orders may take up to 4 weeks to fulfill.


This is a one of a kind hat made using 100% upcycled sweater and t-shirts. It is made in the Hive style and features the Tab brim with the triple button pin-back on the right side of the hat. The main body and brim top of this hat are in an ultra soft, textured sweater. The color is a deep Merlot with white heathered throughout. The band and brim underside are in a bright white t-shirt.  The Hive hat sits on the head like a beanie with a brim... but WAY more awesome because it has built in gathering on one side. Casual Elegance. Yes, it's a thing. This hat is going to bring out your natural coloring with ease!